Thursday 10 July 2008

Rainclouds in the Valley

A number of jobs to do in the early evening and then I hoped to sit outside with a drink. But I could see the rain clouds moving down the valley, first obscuring the Radnor hills, then a general haziness in the air, then large drops of rain on the bins and the car. But it is warm so they fade/evaporate almost immediately. Then the rainclouds pass over into England and the sun comes out. This is a good place for clouds as we can see a mile across the valley and so we have a mile of sky above us, going up as far as we can see. One of the gardening presenters once said that with gardens you can always go up, grow things vertically; and it is also true of bigger landscapes. Cloudscapes and the journeys of clouds would be a lifetime's study on their own; but not meteorology, more a poetic sense of size and insubstantiality and fragility. They look so solid, so angry, yet they move with the slightest breeze.

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